Saturday, June 15, 2024

Day 40: Palas de Rei to Boente - 21K

 Days last so long here. It’s hard to believe that it was just this morning I was walking alone through lanes of green mossy trees and smelling the scent of eucalyptus from the trees.  It was a rambling sort of day today. Gentle ups and downs through little towns.  Lots of pretty hórreos (grain storage buildings). 

I had a couple of walking partners today—American Erin and later Spanish Canadian Piedad. We reflected on our Caminos and talked over the best—and hardest—moments. 

I had an unusual circumstance when I arrived at the albergue; I ended up trapped in an unfortunate conversation with people I didn’t like.  Fortunately, adorable Canadian Arista and her dad turned up to rescue me.  It’s truly amazing that it’s taken this long for me to find myself in a situation where the conversation and people were just no fun.  I’ve had flashes of that here and there.  But it’s so rare. 

Also rare is rain, though it looks as though it’s going to pour on me during my 28k walk into Santiago on Monday. Given how little I have walked in the rain so far, it’s silly to complain.   I’ve had wonderful weather overall.


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