Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day 36: O Cebreiro to Triacastela - 21.2K + the K where I got lost

Sarah headed home. I carried on.  

Phenomenal sunrise over the mountains this morning, followed by a gorgeous up and down —then down down down.  I had been nervous about today because the last downhill was so miserable, but it was mostly a fine, sturdy path. The views were spectacular.  Mostly I walked alone today.  One hill was so steep that I’m pretty sure a treadmill doesn’t have the setting for that angle.

Unfortunately, my knee has started hurting just a bit. An enthusiastic Irish pilgrim named Ed explained that he was a sports therapist and gave me a brief and torturous deep tissue massage on my leg, which helped for a bit.  I’m trying to find a physiotherapist in the next town.

Bodies are judged differently here.  People aren’t generally concerned about how you look.  They care how you feel.  We talk about feet and body pain.  We make concerned faces and offer what tools we have to improve the situation.  The other day I presented British Julia with half a package of cough drops, and she was delighted.  Today I gave Spanish Piedra the rest of my cough medicine.  Later in the day she felt better. 

Lots of nice people in my day today, though I don’t have very good feelings about the pilgrims who were blocking the marker during their rest, causing me to get lost and walk an extra 1 km out of my way down the hill and then back up again.  I had a nice meal with a German woman named Millie and drinks with an Irish man named Michael and his son-in-law Dave.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks so beautiful. Sending love to your knees!

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