Friday, March 27, 2020

Self-Quarantine Day 11 - Loaner Dog, Banana Bread, a Scallion

Zoom at Noon is now a regular feature with my family.  We meet up at noon and chat as though it's a regular holiday, exchanging granular details of our daily lives.  Today, two of my siblings were going shopping.  Shopping! They may as well have told me they were going to visit the Taj Mahal.  Unimaginable adventure at this point.  I can't wait to hear the update on that tomorrow.

I made some banana berry bread.  I had been rotting these bananas up good since my last trip to the grocery store--Trader Joe's on Friday the 13th.  I actually bought them with the purpose of rotting them.  How much has changed since I first had that thought.  I wish I had bought even more.

I bought a harness and a leash of my own so that I can take my neighbor's dog for a walk.  Seems ridiculous to have to do that, but these are ridiculous times.  I had to have my neighbor help me adjust the harness the first time, but now Cora--or Miss Corabel--and I are buddies.  She's a good girl.  She doesn't pull or bark, just ambles along with me. Even if she stops to smell something, she's happy to pick up the pace when reminded to do so.  A good companion.  I look forward to more time together.

I read somewhere that if I put a scallion root in water, it will grow.  It's true!  When I started this one, there was only the white part.  I'll have to report this at family Zoom.

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