Sunday, March 15, 2020

self-quarantine: day -1

This afternoon, I decided to self-quarantine for the next three weeks.

Why?  I'm only 45.  I'm fairly healthy.  From all reports, I'm at low risk of having severe effects from COVID-19.  There have been a few reported aberrations in which people even younger and healthier than me fell very ill, but overall, I don't have much to worry about besides an uncomfortable several days of achiness and difficulty breathing.  Meh.  Who cares?

I could just engage in social distancing.  I could go out less, only visit the grocery store when absolutely necessary.  After several days of reading, I'm convinced that is the ethical way to protect vulnerable populations.

However, what I've realized is that I don't just want to protect "vulnerable populations."  I want to be able to visit my mom and dad.  And because they are at high-risk of having catastrophic effects from the Coronavirus, I have to be absolutely certain that I am clear of the disease before I go there.  Supposedly it has a 2 day to 14 day incubation period.  I'll protect myself for 3 weeks just to be sure.

And then I'll drive to Connecticut in my car.  I'll get gas at a remote place off the highway while wearing gloves and a mask.  I'll pee on the side of the road.  And I'll be so glad to see them when I get there.

That's the plan.  Stick with me; I'll need company.

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