Monday, March 16, 2020

Self-Quarantine Day 1 - lots of talking

I concentrated really well this morning.  I made myself a schedule and drank many cups of tea.  I set up my laptop on the sunny table near the door and did work for several hours.  It felt like a regular workday.  And then I made myself a nice lunch and headed out for a walk and started checking in with people on the phone.

My call log tells me I talked to the following people on the phone today:

  • Heather
  • Beth
  • Rebecca
  • Scott
  • Dave
  • Al
  • Terri
  • Bridget
  • Kris
  • Helen
  • Mom
And that doesn't even include the people I've texted with.  I'm exhausted from all of the interaction that accompanies social distancing. 

We all talked about Coronavirus.  We talked about what we are doing to protect ourselves.  The range of actions is stunning.  Some people seem delusional to me.  Other people seem to have some sense of the severity of the situation.  People whom I would expect to be completely prepared and careful are unready and careless.  Some people who are at risk are hunkered down, ready to stay in place for months on end.  Others are flippant, planning St Patrick's Day parties.  

I find myself being very judgmental.  I want everyone to be safe.  I want everyone to do their best, to rise to the challenge, of trying to make sure that everyone else is safe.  But who says my way is the right way?  And what is my way?  Who knows what the right way is?  This is uncharted territory.

I'm particularly frustrated by my 98-year-old friend.  I called and he was home watching the news.  I asked him if he was staying home, and he informed me that he was going to stay home--for the rest of the day.  He had gone to the store this morning.  I tried to get him to engage, to discuss the possibility of quarantining himself, but he just laughed it off.  I'm furious, but maybe he's right.  Maybe he will be fine.  He's lived a lot more than I have.

Terri called me to tell me that the Bay Area was being told to shelter in place.

I watched Trump's press conference this afternoon.  He acknowledged that this emergency may last until July.  It seems to me like it will last a lot longer than that.  Watching the exchange made me nervous and set me off on a news binge that has lasted about six hours.  

Tonight, Heather dropped by some groceries and some plastic bags for me to use for the litter box.  We chatted in the driveway with several feet between us.  Is it safe for me to bring in the mail?  Is it safe for me to bring in the 12 pack of seltzer she delivered?  What should I wipe down?  How far can I go to seal myself off from the world?  

What are the rules?

I feel like there is so much more I should write.  Things move quickly and slowly at the same time.  It's overwhelming, truly overwhelming in a way I have never before experienced.

Quarantine Day 1.

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