Friday, March 27, 2020

Self-Quarantine Day 12 - Formal Friday

Here's a horrifying article.  When we get items delivered to us or bring groceries into the house, we're supposed to pretend that they're covered in glitter.  That's how thorough we are supposed to be.  I can't even.  I was a lot happier before I knew that.  Have you ever tried to clean up glitter? It's impossible.  It distributes itself all around your whole house, little specks of it.  Is that what we're dealing with?  Coronaglitter?

"Maybe I'll go for a drive today," I mused early in the day.  Made me feel about 40 years older just to say it.  It really was a beautiful day, though.  I went for a short bike ride and a long walk.  I had all of the windows open and let the fresh air in.  On my walk, I passed an empty elementary school with an herb garden out front.  I look forward to stealing from it.  I don't think they'll mind, though I've been told that counts as looting. 

The big event today was that I got dressed up for Formal Friday, which my friend B has decreed in her family.  I thought I'd join in, so I took a shower.  Then I put on earrings and pearls and a fancy dress.  I even wore lip gloss.  No shoes.  I have limits.  Noon Zoom was very impressed.

Red pepper and carrot soup with couscous and harissa for dinner tonight.  Yum!

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