Thursday, March 26, 2020

Self Quarantine Day 10 - Cats and Hats Party!

On Day 10 (yesterday), I attended a Quarantine Birthday Party with Cats and Hats for M's birthday via Zoom.  Two weeks ago, I couldn't have told you what Zoom was, and now it is part of my daily life.  We showed off our hats and our cats and sang and watched M eat her lamington.

Wednesdays are busy for me.  Yesterday I had two classes.  I'm starting to get accustomed to using Zoom for classes.  I'm sure I have a lot to learn.  I should start lurking in some of these forums to learn new tricks about how other professors are proceeding.  For now, it seems to be working pretty well to start out with some lecture and balance some class discussion as a group with some conversation in breakout rooms with me visiting.  I'm actually looking forward to next week when I will meet with students in small groups to talk about their outlines for their essays.

My ear continues to hurt.  I know it is allergies, but my usual tricks of Claritin, Sudafed, and nasal spray aren't working.  After having an ear infection several years ago and being in so much pain in the emergency room, I'm nervous that will happen again.  I definitely don't want to go to the hospital.

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