Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day 10: Ventosa to Azofra - 16.9KM

Today was very nearly a perfect day. I met some wonderful Spaniards at their bar last night and hung out with them again this morning, such kind people.  I woke early and had a coffee and chocolate croissant and laughed with them. 

Then I wandered through the Rioja vineyards alone at sunrise, pausing to take as many pictures as I cared to of this gorgeous region. 

I had plenty of time to make it to Najera, and along the way I caught up with Lisa from Arlington, and we chatted about being 10. She got into heaps of trouble with her cousin for using pencil sharpener shavings to pretend to roll cigarettes. I didn’t have much to say from that year.  I couldn’t even remember my teacher, but I reflected on the importance of my Gifted and Talented teacher throughout elementary school, Mrs Marois, who had a distinctive perfume, wore a light amethyst ring, and encouraged me to love writing and research. When I was younger, I wrote reports on both chocolate and rainbows. My interests have changed little. 

In Najera, I net up with Mi-Suk, my college friend of 30 years who is joining me for a week!  We visited a monastery then walked on to our fancy hotel inn Azofra. We had dinner with Lisa then  we enjoyed a hot tub and a sauna before tucking in. 

Friends, new and old, a stunning solo walk, a bit of history, some self-spoiling. Really, what more can I ask of a day?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the story about the pencil shavings. I did the same thing in 8th grade catholic school, except I was trying to make it look like a joint. I then tossed it under Sister Mary Daniel’s desk to see what happened. This entertained my entire class.😆

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