Friday, May 31, 2024

Day 25: Leon to Villadangos de Paramo - 20.9K

I was looking back over my blog, searching to see if I have had a bad day on the Camino thus far, but I haven’t. There was some miserable rain for about an hour at the end of one long day with Mi-Suk, but even that day was great overall. 

Today was spent walking out of Leon through some urban sprawl and then along a loud highway on a dusty path that went past several factories. It is definitely the ugliest walk yet, but it passed in a snap because I was fortunate to walk with Chris from Zurich for most of it. It’s amazing how good company can transform ugly surroundings.  I will remember this as another wonderful day.

Somehow, I managed to select a hotel that is alongside a truckstop. This is definitely an unusual situation here, but it is so strange that it makes me laugh. It is nice to have a little peace and quiet in a room, though, and there are no other pilgrims around in this hotel (which seems to be the Spanish version of The Shining) except Julie from Montreal. We had dinner together.

Twenty-five was the year I taught my first college class. I remember that I started on May 17.  It stuck in my head because it is the anniversary of Brown v Board of Education, and it was (and remains) significant to me to try to contribute to providing equitable, educational opportunities to all.

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