Sunday, May 12, 2024

Day 6: Los Arcos to Viana - 18.4K

When I looked at my phone at the end of the day today, I expected to find many photographs reflecting how beautiful the landscape was, but it turned out that it’s all so beautiful that I don’t particularly bother trying to capture it anymore.  

Today’s walk was longer with lots of ups and downs, but I kept checking in with my body and being so pleased to find it feeling strong and confident. I did develop my first blister, which I slapped some Compeed on.

I spent the afternoon watching Spanish people enjoying their Sunday in a small town. I watched twin one year-old girls play in the plaza with their mother running around, trying to herd them.  I watched young people perform in a brass band.  I watched some folks chant and celebrate a football win.  The pace of life seems much slower and more manageable.  

On this sixth day of my Camino, I didn’t have much to think about regarding my sixth year. I remember that Mrs. Bentley was my teacher in first grade. It’s striking that when I ask people about their lives at this young age, they always link it to a teacher’s name. It’s a reminder of how much of an influence teachers can have.  

I’m still moving slowly.  People usually pass me, though some people slow down to chat with me for a little while. I met a nice German man today and bought him a coffee because it was his first day on the Camino.  Here’s a picture of me moving steadily along:

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