Friday, May 24, 2024

Day 18: Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz - 20.1K

So many times today I found myself having a surging feeling that there is nothing else I would rather be doing than walking in this beautiful place with these splendid people.  It’s a tremendous and heart bursting feeling to realize you are in exactly the right place.  I’m grateful.

The weather is just right—cool enough but sunny.  Today began with breakfast and hot coffee in the albergue. I didn’t even need to walk in hopes of finding the coffee.  I also knew that a bottom bunk—actually a single bunk—awaited me at the end of the day.  Fear of the top bunk is really the only damper in my experience.  I loathe the idea of climbing up and down to pee in the middle of the night.  So far so good.  Bottom bunk—“litera abajo” is one of my new Spanish phrases.  

I visited the hermitage of St Brígida:  “May the joy and blessings of St Brígida accompany you on the Camino”

Today was filled with rolling hills and poppies—so many poppies.  I’m surprised I didn’t find Dorothy and the gang sleeping in them.  They’re stunning. 

I walked the final few kilometers of the day with a family of 7.  Little Juniper held my hand as we walked.  It was such fun to play with them.  

I had dinner with an American, a Spaniard, and a German.  Spanish was our common language, so that’s what we spoke!

Many people had strong memories of 18.  Angie became a waitress, and it changed her life.  Jenifer and her boyfriend threw a dart at a map.  It landed on Seattle, so they moved there.  Hayley had a 20something teacher try to assault her.  Pam and Franklin got engaged and married during her 19th year.  

I started college and had trouble concentrating and reading.  I specifically recall trying to read a book for my History of Jazz class and being unable to comprehend the words. During semester break, I met Dr Allen who began treating me for depression.  He was integral to my eventually getting the help and the diagnosis I needed.  He helped me stay in school, too.  That second semester I experienced hypomania for the first time and had a lot of energy before the crash came...

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