Monday, May 6, 2024

camino eve: Heeeeere we gooooooo!

We spent much of the day in Pamplona, doing some final errands in preparation for starting the walk tomorrow. The only bulls we saw were stuffed. I bought a small knife and walking sticks since I couldn’t bring either aboard the airplane. I got a tiny notebook to record daily highlights. On an impulse, I bought more toe socks, thinner ones.   

Beth will be with me for 3 days of walking before heading back to Madrid. 

I have an expanse of time from May 7-June 24 to fill with day after day of walking. It’s 665K (413 miles) to Santiago and another 145K (90 miles) to Finisterre.  That means I have 50 days to walk 810K (503 miles), approximately 16K (10 miles) per day.  

I keep thinking about the 4 older Canadian women pilgrims I met in 2007. They were a hoot. And every time they began walking, one of them would sing out: “Heeeeere we gooooooo!”  That’s how I feel right now. Just ready to move forward joyfully and see what happens…


jen said...
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jen said...

So very excited for you!! Can't wait to read about all of your misadventures. YOU GOT THIS, LADY!!!! xoxoxo

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