Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Self-Quarantine Day 30 - Mask

My friend H surprised me with a handmade mask on Easter.  Such an amazing gift.  I wore it to day for the first time to visit my 98 year old friend and shout at him from a distance.  It was remarkably comfortable, less awkward feeling than I would have thought.  I'm still not ready to wear it while I'm walking around my neighborhood, though.

I had purchased some overpriced medical masks on eBay just as news of COVID-19 was emerging.  I don't need them anymore, so I brought them over to him because he is still going out, despite my attempts to discourage him.  He is a lively and social man.  At first, I was so frustrated with him--and with his favorite television news program Fox News--because he didn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation.  He kept going out and doing errands.  But now, as he says, we are all "groundhogging."  He still goes to the grocery store and gets out more than he should.  I am so concerned for his safety, but I've come to think that if you make it to 98 and you want to go to the market.  Well, pandemic be damned.


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