Saturday, April 4, 2020

Self- Quarantine Day 19 - Bicycle

The other day, I tried to ride my bicycle.  I was going along on a flat road in first gear, which seemed odd.  I didn't have that wind-through-the-hair (or through the helmet) feeling, and then a jogger passed me, at which point I realized I probably needed to blow up my tires.  Problem is, I didn't have a bike pump.  But I sent away for one, and when it arrived, I steeled myself.  I have these weird European valves, and I can never manage to do it right. It is unfailingly a maddening process.  It stokes my temper.  It should be so easy to just blow up a bike tire.  But it isn't, and it makes me mad. 

But it was Day 19, and I am practically a homesteader now, what with my own personal scallion.  So I watched a YouTube video, and took a deep breath.  Success!  I filled the back tire without incident.  But when I went to release the valve on the front tire, it was stuck or broken or something.  I had to consult my triathelete friend C, who talked me down and through the process.  With a little bit of vegetable oil and some pliers, I was soon victorious and speeding through the neighborhood. 

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