Thursday, April 9, 2020

Self-Quarantine Day 24 - A Flat

I took my bike out for a quick ride yesterday in the sunshine before class so that I could mail a couple of letters.  Walking is wonderful, but the contrast of biking has been great.  I love being able to move quickly and am so proud of myself for getting my stupid tires inflated.  I've been looking forward to some longer rides.

I opted to go down the hill so that I could feel that thrill of wind.  Just as I started to pick up speed, I heard flap flap flap.  I stopped.  I paused before looking.  I already suspected the problem.

Flat tire.

Infuriating.  I can count on one hand the number of flat tires I have had on my car in two and a half decades of driving, but it seems as though whenever I try to ride a bike regularly, the tires fail and the whole experience ends up being more irritating than joyful.  And I give up.

But.  This is quarantine.  In quarantine we are patient and persistent.  We are different than in normal life.  We don't just give up.  We embrace drudgery and frustration.  I'll try to fix the fucking tire.

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