Thursday, June 11, 2020

Day 87 - Companions

I have a motley stack of books that follow me around my apartment, each representing a different activity that I am engaged in during this time.  Their presence is satisfying, reassuring.   They keep me company. 

When I went to Delaware, it was so strange to put these into a bag and carry them somewhere.  I'm used to them being my companions around the house.  I miss using bags.

SURVIVAL:  My trusty composition notebook quarantine journal, which holds my daily schedule and to do lists.  It follows me everywhere.  

WRITING:  My sparkly gold journal with my daily musings.  

COOKING:  My 3 ring binder holding my growing quarantine cookbook.  And the new cookbook, of course.

CITIZENSHIP WORK:  My textbook and notebook for working with the man studying for the citizenship test.

SPANISH:  My Spanish notebook and dictionary

WORK:  The Norton Anthology of African American Literature

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