Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Day 50 - Walk

Day 50 (and week 8) began with a walk outside in the May sunshine while talking on the phone to my best friend.  It made the whole day better, start to finish.  The day before, I went on two separate walks with different friends.  These were live, though we were masked and separated by the appropriate number of feet.  Although there was a defined distance between us, there was a closeness, too, as we admired flowers and houses and found new paths together.  And this was also a good day.

Walking is how I socialize now.  Walking and standing around outside people's houses.  

When I restarted this blog just over 50 days ago, I knew I would be walking alone in a new way.  I have definitely been moving my feet a lot more than I had been.  I am grateful for that and for so many things about this time.  

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