Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Many of you have observed that I am capable of getting people to do pretty much anything for me. Do my laundry, my taxes. Fix my bike, my computer. Cook me food. I´m not sure why people want to do nice things for me, but I´m glad they do.

I have reached a new and compelling low. For the past two days, other pilgrims, people I don´t know particularly well and may never meet up with again, have offered to deal with my blisters. I asked to borrow a needle, they volunteered to perform the operation. They have actually touched my nasty feet, doused them with Betadine, struck matches, sterlized needles, guided the needle through my blisters until they ooze, and arranged the remaining thread so that they will continue to drain. Then, these kind people have bandaged their work. One of them actually performed the operation while I played on the computer.

It´s important to understand that blisters are a vital part of bonding in the pilgrim community. People who don´t have them are viewed as freaks. These pilgrims are rare and not to be trusted. Apparently, I´m becoming a trustworthy individual indeed. I have another new blister today. It´s time to make a new friend.


  1. I would poke your blisters any day. How is the hair color holding up? I wanna see pictures! I love reading about your journey, it sounds like you are having an awesome experience... Miss you!! Love, Eileen

  2. And I thought you had feet only a mother could love! xxoo
