Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Day 16: Burgos - a day of rest

 Even though today was a day of rest, I still managed to walk over 13,000 steps exploring Burgos in chilly weather.  The Spanish do not appear to need coffee before 9, but I was up at 6 watching the sun rise and searching for caffeine. 

Later, I visited with a pilgrim friend from 17 years ago:

I also toured the cathedral. It’s spectacular, every little detail is phenomenal.  I did a little posing in front of the grandiose building. 

I got a massage and had a nice meal with Mi-Suk.  I talked to very few pilgrims today, so I don’t have a lot of other people’s stories about being 16.  I do have a strong memory of carrying a long metal pole around the front yard on my 16th birthday (maybe for the pool?) and looking up to see that I had nearly hit the electric wires with it.  Yikes!  

Back on the Camino tomorrow.  I’m looking forward to starting the meseta but am unhappy that tomorrow is Mi-Suk’s last day.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the side by side pix!

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